Sunday, August 19, 2012

¿Qué van a leer?

Al principio de cada año, siempre leemos varios libros "de regreso a la escuela" divertidos e interesantes. ¿Que van a leer ustedes con sus estudiantes durante los primeros días de clases? A mí me encantan estos libros:

El pez arco iris

Las palabras no son para lastimar

These two books are great for discussing friendship, feelings, and how our words make others feel.

Together, we make a chart of hurtful and helpful words, and then use it to make a book called Palabras agradables. Each student makes their own page, and I put them in sheet protectors in a three-ring binder, which I then place on a shelf for them to read. Students like to pick it up at will during their free time.

How to lose all your friends

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book! Nancy Carlson is a great author, and this is a really fun "opposite" book. Carlson lists 6 or 7 things you can do to scare away any potential friends, among them being a bully and refusing to share. At the end it's clear that having no friends is not much fun.

It's not my job!

Another one I absolutely love. It's this great story about a family who never wants to take out the trash, because everyone claims it's not their job. Finally, there is so much trash in the house that it's coming out of the windows! Teamwork and responsibility save the day.

We use these two to make a book called Como ser un buen amigo and to decorate our wall with ways to be responsible with our classroom materials.

Desafortunadamente, los últimos dos libros no han sido publicados en español. ¿Hay otros libros que traten de la amistad y la responsabilidad que les gusten a ustedes?

¡Dejen un comentario!


  1. I don't have a stinkin' clue how I'm going to start this school year!

  2. Gracias por tu comentario! For your little ones (K-2), Words Are Not For Hurting might be a good one. You could read it to them in English and then teach them some kinds words in Spanish. Good luck with your new position!
